the company: acr chiller rent gmbh
Since its founding in 2004, acr chiller rent, located in Munich, specializes in the rental of refrigerating machines and accessories. Starting as a regional business partner for industrial cooling, acr rents and leases refrigeration equipment nationwide and covers Austria, Switzerland as well as other parts of Europe.
realized projects
service points in
industrial competence with industry oriented rental solutions

As an expert in the core business field of refrigeration, air conditioning and heating technology, acr chiller rent in Munich made itself a name not only with industrial customers. The industrial competence, grown over the years in all questions in refrigeration technology, as well as having permanently maintained machines with the most modern technology available in the market, are the basis of the success.
Whether air cooled or water cooled chillers, drycoolers and circulating air coolers, plate heat exchangers, pumps, hydraulics modules, mobile heating systems as well as accessories for rental: We make available to you exactly the cooling or heating capacity that you require in your industry for a specific application as a temporary or longer-term solution.
We offer for every application an optimally tailored solution to up to turnkey refrigeration units with a capacity of maximally 3,000 kW per module. Each of them is based on highly efficient chillers dependable under all operating conditions, that works with climate friendly refrigerants.
The individual requirement ascertainment is performed by our highly qualified adviser team before every installation. In this way our customers always get an optimal solution when renting or hire purchase. The 24-Hour hotline assures maintenance or in the rare case of a disturbance, service readiness for rental equipment around the clock. acr know-how in all questions about rental cooling and mobile heating protects you against unpleasant surprises.
Due to thorough industry wide competence in all questions about refrigeration, air conditioning and heating technology, acr chiller rent is a business partner of many industrial companies and institutions.
Use our technical resources for flexibility in renting exactly what you need, where you need it for the success of your business.
Further strengths of acr chiller rent:
- Remote monitoring as an extra service
- Specialty Manufacturing
- Market leader in the area of deep cooling units
- Wide area service network